How it began
In 1982, local farmer Norman Wodson bequeathed 25 acres of land to East Herts District Council. He had always been very keen on sport and it was his wish that the land should be used for recreation for the whole community. The Lea Recreation Society, a group of volunteers, set about the task of creating a facility that would fulfil Norman’s dream.
Negotiations began with East Herts District Council and in 1988 The Wodson Park Sports and Recreation Association was formally registered as a charity and started the enormous task of raising the money to build the sports centre. A small army of local people willingly volunteered their time and professional expertise to make the project work.
The executive committee of the charity was formed with four members of the district council and four members of the Lea Recreation Society, many of whom are still actively involved in overseeing the management of the centre today.
Grant applications were made to The Sports Council (now Sport England), local councils, the Foundation for Sport and the Arts (now closed) and local businesses. The committee also worked with community groups including Rotary, Round Table and Inner Wheel to raise funds.
Norman’s widow, Zena, opened the facility on September 15th, 1989.